1·As the auctioneer called out bids, in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, filed for bankruptcy.
2·As the auctioneer called out bids, in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, filed for bankruptcy, triggering the most severe financial crisis since the 1920s.
3·I am not trying to understate the impact of central Banks on the market.
4·He only robbed banks on a Friday, which earned him the nickname: Friday Night Robber.
5·The Miami Herald reported that heavy rains had pushed at least five rivers over their Banks on the island.
6·China should get its roughly 8,000 accounting firms and top Banks on similar system as quickly as possible.
7·Tensions between the bank of England and the Banks on its patch had nonetheless eased by the start of this year.
8·Its problems mainly stem from the insurance coverage it provided to Banks on devilishly complex structured products.
9·Sure, everybody from European financial regulators to attorneys for Banks on the losing end of Goldman deals will pile on.
10·In some cases, they have been accused of advising Banks on how to create new financial products to earn better ratings.